LED emitting elements in recent years have firmly established themselves in the list of electrical components used in the standard on-board equipment of cars. In the Russian market, these devices, among which more and more often come across headlamps, have been sold for several years.
Those light-emitting elements, which today can be seen on the shelves of auto shops, for the most part are positioned as additional equipment. The fact is that at present a large-scale production of solid-state or, as they are also called, Best LED Headlights On The Market for automobile headlights is fairly limited. Such light sources for standard equipment are mass-produced only for relatively fresh or promising modifications of foreign cars, and then only for the segment of the representative class or concept cars. This is due to the fact that automakers make very difficult requirements for this type of component. One of such requirements is strict restrictions on mass-dimensional indicators, and this is a peculiar stumbling block for solid-state light sources.
The intrigue is that one of the side effects of the bright glow of the diode array is the generation of heat, which must somehow be removed from the limited space of the car headlight design. That is why all modern LED lamps designed for installation in the head "lampshades" are equipped with radiators that dissipate heat. And adding to the radiator lamp, of course, increases its weight and dimensions. Therefore, manufacturers of LED automotive lighting today are actively working to reduce the influence of the side thermal effect and to achieve at least a reduction in the dimensions of solid state head lamps. In the future, this will enable mass use of such devices in automobiles, especially since the LEDs are significantly ahead of not only halogen but also xenon counterparts in reliability and in their working life.
As for the current time, then the possibility of tuning the use of LED lamps in automotive head lighting exists now. For example, a review of this market segment, conducted by experts of the information and analytical portal AvtoParad, showed that in the metropolitan region alone there are dozens of models of LED headlight lamps with such driving specifications as H4, H7, H11. However, such devices in abundance can be found on the virtual shelves of online stores. In particular, a wide range of different lamps of this type offers a web resource of the Korean company Sho-me .
As noted above, these devices are offered as tuning accessories. By the way, in this case, you can talk about quite affordable and legitimate options for upgrading headlights. Replacing the lamps of the same specification in them does not in any way contradict the requirements of the current regulatory acts. For example, if gas-filled lamps of the H4 series are provided as standard for a car, nothing prevents them from installing LED counterparts of the same series.
Driver, summer is coming, check the air conditioner!
Regular maintenance of the air conditioning system, like any other vehicle system, will provide high performance and prevent costly repairs.
With proper operation and maintenance, the air conditioning system is able to work without damage throughout the entire life cycle of the vehicle. That is why it is very important to conduct annual maintenance of this system. But what does quality MOT imply?
One of the most frequent problems faced by the workshop technicians is the leakage of the air conditioning system, which usually occurs either due to mechanical damage to the system components, or due to their normal wear and tear. Insufficient amount of refrigerant is especially critical for relatively new cars (produced over the past 10 years), which use constant rotation compressors. The fact is that such compressors always work, even when the air conditioner is turned off. Accordingly, when refrigerant leaks from the air conditioning circuit, the lubrication of the friction parts of the compressor is disturbed and the compressor wears out faster. To fail the compressor may for other reasons. Faulty radiator fan clogged with dust
The procedure for cleaning the condensers is not as simple as it seems: first of all, a complete disassembly of these components is necessary for a quality procedure. When cleaning, it is worth being especially careful: gentle radiator combs are easily damaged under the strong pressure of water.
As for the unpleasant smell in the cabin, then here requires a professional approach . According to DENSO experts, the only effective and proven method for reducing odor is to remove the evaporator and then clean it with a natural cleaner or replace it with a new part. Also an alternative is ultrasonic or ozone cleaning - these are cleaning methods that allow you to correct the situation for a long time. Depending on the type of smell, such treatment can reduce its manifestation by a year or more, although it does not completely eliminate the problem.
• Refine how the system as a whole works (air conditioning efficiency, the presence of extraneous noise in operation, checking the operation of the condenser fan, the presence of extraneous odors in the cabin, etc.);
• Determine the type of refrigerant;
• Determine the quality of the refrigerant and oil;
• Identify refrigerant leaks;
• Refill the air conditioner if necessary;
• Check / replace the cabin filter;
• Check the condition of the system components (the presence of damage and corrosion of the elements, as well as contamination of the condenser and radiator).